Macadamia Biscuits

recipes recipes - sweet tooths

Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 15 minutes | Serves 8 large, 12 small

  • 1 packet (row) oreo biscuits

  • ½ cup macadamia nuts

  • ½ cup white or dark vegan chocolate

  • 2 cups flour

  • 1 cup plant milk

  • ¾ cup vegan butter

  • 1 tablespoon baking powder

  • ¼ teaspoon salt

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence



Mix filling chunks into a bowl and in a separate bowl mix the dry ingredients. In another separate bowl lightly melt butter and add vanilla essence, milk and salt then pour into dry and mix together (not over mixing). Add filling to the mixture. Separate mixture into biscuits in a baking tray and pop in the oven at 150 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

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